Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 random things about me

1. I got married 9 days after turning 18
2. I had two children by the age of 20
3. I'm scared TO DEATH of spiders!
4. My favorite color is black
5. I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up
6. I love antiques
7. My favorite author is Stephen King
8. I like to knit
9. If I could pick anyone in the World to hang out with for one day I would pick Ozzy Osbourne
10. I don't like going to the movies
11. Slow computers drive me insanely mad!
12. My favorite memory as a child is spending 2 weeks every summer at Viletta's resort in Alexandria
13. My favorite food is lobster
14. I've been to Hawaii
15. I've parasailed and almost died doing it (not kidding either!)
16. I've had 4 surgeries in my life
17. The only people I've lost to in leg wrestling were my boys
18. I love Thunder storms
19. I've been skinny dipping
20. I'm glad I never had any girls
21. I have a clean driving record
22. I like the smell of gasoline
23. I like to paint my toenails in funky colors in the summer
24. I've never had a broken bone
25. I've never drank a long island iced tea

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